We're looking for articles from teachers and educational leaders willing to share their knowledge, passion and expertise in relation to metacognition, metacognitive strategies & self-regulated learning.
If your article is published on this site you'll receive £50 worth of premium metacognition teaching resources complete with a whole-school license so that they can be used by the other teachers in your school. You will also be attributed as the article's author on the site and your work will help educators perfect their metacognitive teaching practices around the world.
The bundle of resources you will receive includes:
Task Focused Metacognition Worksheets (x10) (Normally: £9.99)
Tracking Worksheets for Metacognition & Self-Regulation (Normally: £9.99)
Lesson Wrappers (x10) (Normally: £9.99)
Exam Wrappers (x5) (Normally: £4.99)
Think, Pair, Share - Metacognition Discussion Generator (Normally: £4.99)
The Learning Power Journal (Normally: £9.99)
Exercise Book Enhancers (Normally: £1.99) Total Value: £51.93
Article Submission Rules
Articles must be at least 1000 words in length
Articles should be original and free of plagiarised work
Articles should be related to metacognition, self-regulated learning and/or metacognitive strategies
Articles should be well-written and high-quality
Please send your article to globalmetacognition@gmail.com
Article Guidelines & Tips:
We are especially interested in hearing about your own experiences using metacognitive strategies and self-regulated learning in the classroom: the best articles will be useful to other teachers and will help them improve the effectiveness of metacognitive strategies in their practice
We are especially interested in subject-specific work and the best-practices of a wide variety of subject-specialists
We are interested hearing from teachers in all contexts as well as educational specialists (for example, those working with students with special educational needs) as well as those in leadership positions
Here is a preview of some of the resources successful applicants will receive...