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Monthly CPD Webinar: Metacognition & Self-Regulated Learning Teacher Training Video

This month's video focuses on creating autonomous learners. Each month we link to a carefully selected lecture in order to help educators develop professionally; accompanying each video is a selection of metacognitive questions designed to help you get more from the video.

Using metacognitive reflection questions before and after the videos you show your students is a straightforward way to foster metacognitive reflection. By engaging with the metacognitive questions below you can see for yourself how useful they are in helping to increase learning power!

For each question take a moment to think about the answer. When using this exercise in lessons it is best to use some form of ‘think, pair, share’ approach so that students share their reflections with the group – thus helping to ensure engagement.


Pre-Video Metacognitive Questions…

1. What is the best strategy to use in order to maximise my learning from the video?

2. How can I improve the learning-environment so that I can stay focused on the video?

3. Whilst watching the video, is it more important to think about the content or to focus on listening and watching as intently as possible?


This Month's CPD Video


Post-Video Metacognitive Questions

1. What could I have done differently whilst watching that video in order to have learned more?

2. How would I evaluate my own learning strategy when it came to learning from that video?

3. What target should I set myself in order to learn more effectively when watching videos in the future?


How to Use Metacognitive Questions With Videos in Your Lessons

Using metacognitive question prompts at the start, middle and end of a video or documentary you show students in lessons activates each stage of the self-regulation cycle: planning, monitoring, evaluating and regulating.

We’ve created a simple PowerPoint tool that will facilitate your delivery of metacognitive questions in lessons whenever you use a video: regardless of the school subject or videos topic. It allows you to instantly generate metacognitive questions for each stage of the metacognition process using an integrated menu:

Student are then presented with one of thirty-six slides like the ones depicted below, each contained 3 of 108 questions aiming to trigger metacognitive reflection, awareness and knowledge: