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Metacognition, Metacognitive Knowledge & Mathematics

Metacognition refers to an individual's ability to understand and regulate their own thinking processes. It is an essential component of learning, and it is particularly important in the mathematics classroom. Metacognitive strategies and metacognitive awareness can help students become more successful math learners by enabling them to monitor their own understanding and identify areas where they need to focus their attention. In this article, we will explore the importance of metacognition, metacognitive strategies, and metacognitive awareness in the mathematics classroom.

Metacognition is important in the mathematics classroom for several reasons. Firstly, it helps students to develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Mathematics is a subject that builds upon itself, and without a solid foundation, students can quickly become lost. Metacognitive strategies can help students to identify their own areas of weakness and to develop targeted approaches to learning that will help them to overcome those challenges. By being able to monitor their own learning, students can develop a better understanding of the material, which in turn will help them to achieve higher levels of proficiency.

Secondly, metacognitive strategies can help students to become more efficient learners. Mathematics is a subject that requires a great deal of practice, and students who are able to develop effective study habits will be able to learn more quickly and retain the material more effectively. Metacognitive strategies can help students to identify which study methods work best for them and to adjust their approach as necessary. For example, some students may find that they learn best by working through example problems, while others may prefer to read and take notes. By understanding their own learning styles and preferences, students can become more efficient learners.

Finally, metacognitive awareness can help students to develop a growth mindset. Many students struggle with mathematics because they believe that they are not "math people" or that they are simply not capable of learning the material. However, by developing an awareness of their own thinking processes and the strategies that work best for them, students can begin to see themselves as capable learners. This can lead to increased confidence and a willingness to take on new challenges.

In order to develop metacognitive skills and awareness, students need to be taught metacognitive strategies. These might include strategies such as:

  1. Self-reflection: Encouraging students to reflect on their own learning and to identify areas where they need to improve.

  2. Goal-setting: Helping students to set realistic goals for themselves and to develop a plan for achieving those goals.

  3. Monitoring: Teaching students to monitor their own understanding of mathematical concepts and to adjust their approach as necessary.

  4. Feedback: Providing students with feedback on their work and encouraging them to reflect on that feedback in order to improve their performance.

By teaching students these strategies and encouraging them to use them regularly, teachers can help to develop their metacognitive skills and awareness.


We've released a downloadable toolkit for teachers of mathematics who wish to raise levels of metacognition and self-regulate learning with their students!

The download includes:

  1. A fully-resourced 'Metacognition & Maths' lesson [1 Hour]

  2. Front of book metacognitive planning & monitoring worksheets [x3]

  3. Back of book metacognitive evaluation & regulation worksheets [x3]

  4. Exercise book enhancers: "Help I'm Stuck!" metacognition guides [x2]

  5. Exercise book enhancers: metacognition extension questions & tasks [x2]

  6. Task specific metacognition worksheets [x10]

  7. Mid-lesson metacognition reflection worksheets [x3]

  8. End of lesson metacognition reflection worksheets [x3]

  9. Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) Templates [x2]

  10. Lesson Wrappers [x5]

  11. The Mathematics & Metacognition Debate Generator

  12. The Mathematics & Numeracy 'Think, Pair, Share' Discussion Generator


Using The Metacognitive Cycle in Mathematics Lessons

One approach to using metacognition in the classroom is through the use of the metacognitive cycle, which consists of four steps: planning, monitoring, evaluating, and regulating.

The first step in the metacognitive cycle is planning. When using this strategy in the mathematics classroom, students should be encouraged to think about the task at hand and develop a plan for how they will approach it. This can include identifying the steps needed to solve a problem, choosing appropriate tools or methods, and setting goals for their performance.

The second step is monitoring. During this step, students should be encouraged to keep track of their progress as they work on the task. This can include checking their work as they go, asking questions to clarify their understanding, and using feedback from their teacher or peers to make adjustments to their approach.

The third step is evaluating. In this step, students should be encouraged to reflect on their performance and assess whether or not their approach was effective. This can include identifying areas where they struggled, analysing their mistakes, and considering what they might do differently in the future.

The final step in the metacognitive cycle is regulating. During this step, students should use their evaluation to adjust their approach as needed. This can include trying a new method or tool, seeking additional support or resources, or revisiting areas where they struggled in order to deepen their understanding.

In the mathematics classroom, the use of the metacognitive cycle can be particularly effective when students are engaged in problem-solving activities. For example, when working on a challenging mathematical problem, students can use the cycle to help them stay focused, monitor their progress, and adjust their approach as needed.

To support students in using the metacognitive cycle, mathematics teachers can provide scaffolding and guidance. This can include modelling the use of the cycle, providing feedback and support throughout the process, and encouraging students to share their thinking and strategies with each other. Additionally, teachers can provide opportunities for students to practice using the cycle on a variety of mathematical tasks, such as solving equations, working with data sets, or exploring mathematical concepts.

The Value of Metacognitive Knowledge in the Mathematics Classroom

Gaining 'metacognitive knowledge' is a distinct component of metacognitive development. Metacognitive knowledge, or the understanding of one's own thinking and learning processes, is an important skill for students to develop in order to become successful learners in the mathematics classroom. Students who have developed metacognitive knowledge are better equipped to solve problems, monitor their progress, and regulate their learning, leading to improved academic outcomes.

Examples of metacognitive knowledge in the mathematics classroom might include a student having a clear understanding o their strengths and weaknesses as a maths learner, a student recognizing that they struggle with algebraic expressions and need to focus on practicing those skills, a student who identifies that they tend to rush through problems and therefore takes extra time to check their work, or a student who realizes that they work best with visual aids and therefore creates their own graphic organizers to help them organize their thinking.

One of the key benefits of developing metacognitive knowledge is that it allows students to become more effective problem-solvers. When students have a clear understanding of their own thinking processes, they are better able to identify and apply effective problem-solving strategies. For example, a student who is aware of their tendency to rush through problems may slow down and double-check their work to avoid careless errors. Similarly, a student who recognizes their tendency to get stuck on one aspect of a problem can apply strategies to move past that obstacle, such as breaking the problem down into smaller parts or seeking help from peers or teachers.

Another benefit of developing metacognitive knowledge is that it allows students to monitor their own progress and identify areas where they need additional support or practice. Students who are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses can better focus their efforts on areas where they need improvement, leading to more efficient and effective learning. For example, a student who recognizes that they struggle with algebraic expressions can focus on practicing those skills and seeking extra help in that area.

In order to help students gain metacognitive knowledge in the mathematics classroom, teachers can provide a variety of supports and strategies. These might include:

  1. Modelling metacognitive strategies: Teachers can model their own thinking and problem-solving strategies to help students develop an understanding of how to approach complex problems.

  2. Encouraging reflection: Teachers can ask students to reflect on their own thinking and learning processes, such as by keeping a journal or sharing their thought process with peers.

  3. Providing feedback: Teachers can provide feedback on students' work that encourages them to reflect on their performance and identify areas for improvement.

  4. Using graphic organizers: Graphic organizers, such as concept maps or flowcharts, can help students visually organize their thinking and identify relationships between concepts.

  5. Encouraging collaboration: Working with peers on problem-solving activities can help students learn from each other and gain insight into different ways of thinking.

  6. Promoting self-regulation: Teachers can help students develop strategies for regulating their own learning, such as setting goals and monitoring their progress towards those goals.

  7. Helping students to identify their strengths & weaknesses: Activities that help students to come to a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and how to work with these strengths and weaknesses will lead them to an important aspect of metacognitive knowledge.

In conclusion, metacognitive knowledge is essential for students to develop in the mathematics classroom. By understanding their own thinking processes, students can become more effective problem-solvers, monitor their own progress, and regulate their own learning. Teachers can support the development of metacognitive knowledge by modelling strategies, encouraging reflection, providing feedback, using graphic organizers, promoting collaboration, and promoting self-regulation. With continued support and practice, students can become more confident and capable learners in the mathematics classroom and beyond.



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