Workbook Enhancers - This Month's Metacognition Teaching Resource Spotlight
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Educational resources that boost metacognition & nurture self-regulated learning in schools!
Enhance your students' exercise books with these handy metacognitive inserts! Cultivate metacognition and self-regulated learning today...
Revision Strategy Battle Planner - This Month's Metacognition Teaching Resource Spotlight
Our Revision Strategy Battle Planner helps student use self-regulated learning to prepare for their exams through effective planning...
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Tracking Worksheets - This Month's Metacognition Teaching Resource Spotlight
Our tracking worksheets help foster regular metacognition and self-regulated learning: use one for the start and one for the end of lessons.
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A Fun Video for Students About Metacognition
A good video about metacognition to show your students...
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Metacognition - Podcasts to Help You Learn about Metacognition
Five great podcast episodes to deepen your understanding of metacognition...
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Personal Learning Checklists - This Month's Metacognition Teaching Resource Spotlight
Personal Learning Checklists (PLCs) help students to monitor, evaluate and regulate their learning: find out more about them here...
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New: Online CPD Course - Metacognition, Metacognitive Strategies & Self-Regulated Learning
Sign-up for our new online CPD course: it's all about Metacognition & Self-Regulated Learning!
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Do Exam Wrappers Work?
This article provides and overview and evaluation of the evidence supporting the use of 'exam wrappers'...
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Self-Regulated Learning for Improved Student Behaviour & Discipline
Can the principles of self-regulated learning be applied to behaviour, discipline, and classroom management?
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Free Growth Mindset Teaching Resources
Download free growth mindset teaching resources now by subscribing to our free mailing list!
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Submit an Article & Win £50 Worth of Metacognition Teaching Resources for Your School
Win £50 worth of metacognition and self-regulated learning teaching resources for your school!
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Metacognition in Mathematics: New Teaching Resources
Download our new metacognition teaching resource pack for the mathematics classroom!
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