Each month we take a closer look at one of the metacognition or self-regulated learning teaching resource that we offer. The aim of self-regulated learning is to empower students to take control of their own learning-processes; metacognition is the cognitive aspect of self-regulated learning and emphasises the awareness, understanding & regulation of thought.
Reading these monthly posts can contribute to your continued professional development and give you new ideas for classroom practice: why not try a new resource each month and, slowly but surely, become a master of metacognition? Perhaps you’ll be inspired to make a new resource to use with your students or, if you’d like to save time, you might download and try one of the resources from our site.
Our teaching resources are aimed at teachers of students aged 11-16 and can be used by all teachers: regardless of their subject-specialism. They emphasise student-reflection, metacognition and self-regulation.
This month we’re looking at The Revision Strategy Battle Planner: a student reflection work-booklet that helps students to develop their revision strategy leading up to public exams. Links to order and download the resource can be found at the bottom of the article or you can click here. You can view a sample of the resource here.
What Is Revision Strategy Battle Planner?
The Revision Strategy Battle Planner is a ‘Battle Plan’ themed work booklet that helps students to create an effective revision strategy in the period leading up to their public exams. It consists of a number of elements:
Student reflection activities around their strengths and weaknesses in the subject
Student reflection activities surrounding revision techniques, activities and resources
Subject-knowledge evaluation activities
Activities that encourage the identification of obstacl