Fostering Learning Autonomy & Creating Autonomous Learners
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Educational resources that boost metacognition & nurture self-regulated learning in schools!
What is autonomous learning and how can we develop it in the classroom?
Free Growth Mindset Teaching Toolkit
Download these free growth mindset teaching resources today! They're for students aged 8-16!
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Metacognitive Strategies for the History Classroom
Some essential metacognitive strategies for the history classroom!
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Whole-School Metacognition Made Easy
Follow these three simple steps and you'll bring enhanced metacognitive teaching strategies into every classroom in your school...
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Enhancing Essay Writing with Metacognition, Enhancing Metacognition with Essay Writing
Using metacognitive strategies can enhance the quality of your students' essays; you can also foster metacognition using reflective writing!
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Ten Ways to Foster Metacognition in the Science Classroom
Ten metacognitive strategies for science teachers and the science classroom!
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Teaching Tip: Use Metacognitive Questioning When Showing Students Videos in Lessons
Ask metacognitive questions either side of the videos you use in your lessons!
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Lesson Wrappers - This Month's Metacognition Teaching Resource Spotlight
Lesson wrappers foster metacognition at the start and end of lessons through clever student-reflection activities. Download our set of ten!
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Metacognition & Self-Regulated Learning in Secondary English Literature and Language Arts Teaching
Metacognition & Self-Regulated Learning in Secondary English Literature and Language Arts Teaching. Written by teachers for teachers...
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Metacognition & Mathematics: Metacognitive Strategies for the Maths Classroom
How can teachers of mathematics bring metacognition & self-regulated learning into their lessons?
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Metacognition Tracking Worksheets! [Self-Regulated Learning]
Printable tracking worksheets for the front and back of exercise books. Create regular metacognition and self-regulated learning!
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Long-Term Teaching Strategies for Metacognition & Self-Regulated Learning
This article is focused on long-term teaching strategies that foster metacognition and self-regulated learning.
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