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Educational resources that boost metacognition & nurture self-regulated learning in schools!
Why Mind-Mapping Skills Boost Learning Outcomes
Why is mind-mapping so effective in boosting educational attainment?
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Metacognition & Formative Assessment: Using Assessment Wrappers Effectively
Formative assessments can be enhanced with metacognitive strategies. Assessment wrappers are a powerful tool for boosting metacognition.
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Using Lesson Wrappers to Boost Metacognition
Using lesson wrappers with your students will help to raise levels of metacognition and self-regulation...
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Mediation & Mindfulness as Metacognitive Strategies for Learning
Is meditation the ultimate metacognitive strategy?
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Using Assessment Wrappers to Boost Metacognition & Self-Regulated Learning
How can teachers make use of assessment wrappers to increase levels of metacognition and self-regulated learning with formative assessments?
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Metacognitive Reflection Essays: A Powerful Activity for Metacognition in the Classroom
How can we use student reflection essays as a way of boosting metacognition and encouraging more independent and self-regulated learning?
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Lesson Wrappers for Self-Regulated Learning & Metacognition
Lesson wrappers are an essential tool for creating higher levels of self-regulation in your lessons and for boosting metacognition...
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Metacognitive Strategies for the Maths & Numeracy
Boost attainment in mathematics lessons by using metacognitive strategies in your lessons!
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Meditation for Self-Regulated Learning & Metacognition
Mediation can help students with self-regulation and metacognition!
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Raising Metacognitive Awareness With Lesson Wrappers
Teachers can use 'lesson wrappers' to raise levels of metacognitive awareness with their students...
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Reflective Essay Writing for Metacognition & Self-Regulated Learning
Student-reflection essay writing tasks are a great way to foster metacognition and self-regulation in students!
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Metacognition in The Mathematics Classroom!
How can metacognition boost performance in mathematics lessons?
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How To Teach Mind-Mapping Skills
How to introduce and foster mind-mapping skills in your lessons...
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Enhancing Formative Assessments With Metacognitive Assessment Wrappers
Using assessment wrappers when doing formative assessments is a powerful way of enhancing the benefits of assessment work...
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What Are Lesson Wrappers & Why Should Teachers Use Them?
Lesson wrappers are a great way to encourage student reflection at the start and end of lessons...
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Assessment Wrappers for Enhancing Metacognition & Metacognitive Awareness
Using assessment wrappers allows you to bring metacognition into your formative assessment work...
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Mindfulness: The Foundation of Metacognition
Raising levels metacognitive awareness depends on mindfulness...
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How Mind-Mapping Skills Can Help Students to Revise
How can teachers develop mind-mapping skills in their lessons?
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Lesson Wrappers: A Straightforward Metacognitive Strategy
Lesson wrappers are a simple way to encourage metacognition and self-regulated learning!
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Using Assessment Wrappers for Exam Preparation
Using assessment wrappers when doing formative assessment practice is a valuable strategy for exam preparation.
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