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Video-Learning Metacognition Pack
  • This substantial resource has two main components:


    • A set of 10 video-learning sessions, each with its own specific worksheet
    • A separate set of 10 double-sided video-learning worksheets that can be used with any videos or documentaries in all school subjects.


    The first component covers the following topics, all of which relate to metacognition and learning-power:


    1. Introduction to Metacognition
    2. Building Memory Palaces
    3. How to Improve Concentration
    4. Mind-Mapping & Effective Note-Taking
    5. How to Improve Memory
    6. Revision Tips, Tricks & Strategies
    7. Increasing Motivation & Energy
    8. Critical Thinking & Higher-Order Thought
    9. Boosting Learning Power (Video-Learning Session)
    10. How Emotions Can Impact Learning


    Each one comprises a full learning-session that can last 40-60 minutes and contains integrated assessments and plenaries. The sessions contain links to YouTube videos: this means that an active internet connection is required for teachers to use these videos in their class.


    The second component of this product, the set of video-learning worksheets, allows teachers to enhance learning when students are engaging with video or documentary materials: it is a useful resource for teachers to have access to and will improve student engagement, reduce "coasting",encouraging the creation of useful notes, and help students to organise the information they encounter.


    Please note: from time to time video-links will break, please contact us if this occurs and we will fix the links immediately. The format means you can easily substitute videos yourself if you happen to know of superior ones.  

    Video-Learning Metacognition Pack

    • Focus: Metacognition, Self-Regulated Learning, Video-Learning, Enhanced Teaching Practices

      Main Aim: To improve student ability to learn from videos whilst using videos to teach about metacognition & self-regulated learning

      Designed for students aged 11-16


      License Terms:
      Whole-School License


      System Requirements:
      Microsoft Office
      WinZip (we recommend: 7-Zip or WinRar)
      Windows 7+, 1.5GHZ, 1GB RAM
      File Formats: .doc (Microsoft Word), PowerPoint Presentations & .zip
      Video links require an internet connection and access to YouTube


      Printing Information:
      Contains both A4 & A3 [US Size: Tabloid / Ledger (ANSI B)] printables

      Copyrighted by The Global Metacognition Institute (2019)
      Strictly not for re-distribution outside of your own school.

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