This collection of eight metacognition teaching resources has been carefully selected to provide a firm foundation for the enhancement of metacognition and learning-power in your school. It is suitable for a focused whole-school initiative or as a toolkit teachers can access at their own pace.
It includes the following resources:
- The Metacognitive Debate Generator
- A3 Metacognitive Debate Worksheet Sessions (x5)
- End of Lesson Metacognitive Reflection Mini-Worksheets (x10
- DIRT Worksheet Collection (Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time)
- The Meditation, Learning Power and Deep-Metacognition Pack
- A3 Metacognition Personal Reflection Worksheets (x5)
- Printable Posters about Metacognition (x10)
- Boosting Brain Power (Caring for the Brain, Healthy Lifestyle)
You can find out more about individual resources by reading individual product descriptions here.
Installation Notes:
This set of resources is contained in a .zip file, due to its large size the Windows 'unzip' facility sometimes struggles to unpack the file. We suggest using either WinRar or 7-Zip (both are free to download) to unpack these resources.
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Educational resources that boost metacognition & nurture self-regulated learning in schools!
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