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The Whole-School Metacognition Toolkit (Silver Edition - B)
  • This collection of eight metacognition teaching resources has been carefully selected to provide a firm foundation for the enhancement of metacognition and learning-power in your school. It is suitable for a focused whole-school initiative or as a toolkit teachers can access at their own pace.


    It includes the following resources:


    1. The Metacognitive Debate Generator
    2. A3 Metacognitive Debate Worksheet Sessions (x5)
    3. End of Lesson Metacognitive Reflection Mini-Worksheets (x10
    4. DIRT Worksheet Collection (Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time)
    5. The Meditation, Learning Power and Deep-Metacognition Pack
    6. A3 Metacognition Personal Reflection Worksheets (x5)
    7. Printable Posters about Metacognition (x10)
    8. Boosting Brain Power (Caring for the Brain, Healthy Lifestyle)


    You can find out more about individual resources by reading individual product descriptions here



    Installation Notes:

    This set of resources is contained in a .zip file, due to its large size the Windows 'unzip' facility sometimes struggles to unpack the file. We suggest using either WinRar or 7-Zip (both are free to download) to unpack these resources.


    The Whole-School Metacognition Toolkit (Silver Edition - B)


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